Comet discoverers & Comet discoveries by amateurs

2020 - now

Last update:  11. June 2024

Discoveries from 1978 to 1999 Discoveries from 2000 to 2009
Discoveries 2010 to 2019

This page was initially created by Juan José González - José Fernández, written in Spain and can be found at

I used an automatic translation into English and tried to correct it into readable English. Please notice that English is not my native language. Fell free sending me corrections of any kind.

I also used information from the website of Maik Meyer. Giuseppe Pappa (giuseppe.pappa->> added information to the early discoverystories.



Sad news arrived on March 5th. Roy Tucker, discoverer of 2 comets and many asteroids, including 99942 Apophis, passed away at the age of 70 years.

Again, sad news for the Comet community. On August 13th. Carolyn S. Shoemaker discoverer of 32 comets and many more asteroids passed away at the age of 92 years.

Another sad news I noticed in 2022, was the death of William Liller, discoverer of C/1988A1 Liller on February 28th. 2021.


Sad news arrived on January 12th. on the MPML mailinglist. Comet discoverer Eric W. Elst passed away on January 2nd. at the age of 85. He discovered thousands of asteroids and an asteroid that turned into a comet, known as 133P/Elst-Pizarro.

Sad news arrived on August 9th. on the comets-ml that Don Machholz died due to complications with COVID 19 at the age of 69. He discovered 12 comets and co-invented the Messier Marathon.




Sad news arrived on January 5th. Comet discoverer Luboš Kohoutek passed away on December 30th at the age of 88 in Bergedorf, Germany. He discovered 5 comets and 75 asteroids.

Masuyuki IwamotoC/2020 A2 (Iwamoto)

This object was reported on 2020 Jan. 9 UT as a possible comet by M. Iwamoto (872) and it was placed on the PCCP.
It was discovered on two CCD frames taken on Jan. 8.86 UT with a 10-cm Pentax 400-mm-f.l. f/4.0 lens and a Canon EOS 6D camera.

On Jan. 13, G. Borisov (L51) reported this object as having a diffuse 40" coma. Additional reports of cometary features MPEC 2020-A132.

CBET no. 4714, issued on 2020, Jan. 13th. announced the discovery of a new comet. It's the 4th. comet discovery of Masuyuki Iwamoto and 3 within 18 months.

Mr. Masuyuki Iwamoto
Copyrights: Masuyuki Iwamoto + Hoshinavi

Copyright: Michael Jäger, 14.01.2020

Eduardo PimentelC/2020 G1 (Pimentel)

CBET 4754 & MPEC 2020-H06, issued on 2020, April 17, announces the discovery of a new comet (magnitude ~15) by Eduardo Pimentel on CCD images taken by Jacques, Pimentel, and J. Barros with a 0.28-m f/2.2 astrograph of the "Southern Observatory for Near Earth Research" (SONEAR) at Oliveira, Brazil. The new comet has been designated P/2020 G1 (Pimentel).
This is the second comet that takes the name of Eduardo Pimentel. His first discovery was C/2015 Q2.

Story of the discovery as a video (Portuguese)

Discovery telescope 2020G1


SONEAR staff: Cristovao Jacques (left), Eduardo Pimentel (middle), Joao Ribeiro (left)

Leonardo S. Amaral C/2020 O2 (Amaral)

CBET 4822 & MPEC 2020-P10, issued on 2020, August 02, announced the discovery of a comet (magnitude ~18) by Leonardo S. Amaral (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) on three 60-s CCD exposures taken on July 23 with a 0.3-m f/4 reflector. The new comet was discovered with a 0.3-m f/4 reflector at the Observatório Campo dos Amarais (OCA). This is his first comet discovery.

Gennadii Borisov - C/2020 Q1 (Borisov)

CBET 4836 & MPEC 2020-Q109 announces the discovery of a new comet. The new comet was discovered by G. Borisov on August 17th. on images taken from MARGO (L51) observatory. This is the 10th. discovery by Gennadii Borisov.

Comment from the discoverer:
The comet was detected during a search program in the dawn zone (Plan.png). Tel. D=0.65m, F/1.5, FLI ML9000, FOW 2x2 deg,  exp:  50 sec.
A new diffuse object was discovered at the eighth plate (arrow).

Animation Discovery

Copyright: Genaddii Borisov

William Liller (1927 - 2021)

Professional astronomer and discoverer of many novae, William Liller, discoverer of C/1988A1 Liller passed away on February 28th. 2021.
Bulletin of the AAVSO (archived PDF)

William Liller

Roy A. Tucker (1951 - 2021)

The 2 time comet discoverer Roy A. Tucker died on March 5th. at his home in Tucson.
He discovered many new asteroids, 2 comets 328P/LONEOS-Tucker and C/2004 Tucker Q1 and the "famous" asteroid 99942 Apophis.

Roy Tucker

Alain Maury and Georges Attard - C/2021 J1 (Maury-Attard)

CBET 4972 & MPEC 2021-L11, issued on 2021, June 02, announces the discovery of a new comet (magnitude ~19.0) on CCD images taken by A. Maury and G. Attard on May 09.3 UT with the 0.28-m f/2.2 Rowe-Ackermann Schmidt astrograph at San Pedro de Atacama, Chile in the course of the  MAP (W94) survey.  The new comet has been designated C/2021 J1 (Maury-Attard). This is the first comet discovery for Alain Maury as amateur and the first one for Georges Attard. Alain Maury discovered 3 comets (115P/Maury, C/1988 C1 Maury-Phinney and 198P/ODAS (named after the survey name) as a professional astronomer.

Discovery image, Copyright A. Maury, G. Attard, D. Parrott

Discovery telescopes, Copyright A Maury

Gennadii Borisov - C/2021 L3 (Borisov)

CBET 4985 & MPEC 2021-M75 issued on 2021, June 22, announces the discovery of a new comet Borisov on CCD images taken on June 8th. This is his 11th. comet.

Comment from the discoverer: The comet was detected during my new search program "Northern sky survey".  A new star like object it was discovered on three CCD frames taken on June 08.90616 UT (Tel. D=0.65m, F/1.5, FLI ML9000, FOW 2x2 deg,  exp:  300 sec)  in the constellation of Cepheus. The information was sent to the MPC as a new NEO gb00279. Two days later, the stacked images show the cometary shape and the object was moved to PCCP.


2021L3 Animation
Animation for June 08 (discovery images)


The images of the comet from my telescopes (0.5 m , 0.65 m)  and Crimean Observatory - 2.6 meter ( for  comparison)
Copyright Gennadii Borisov

Hideo NishimuraC/2021 O1 (Nishimura)

CBET 5004 issued on July 25th. reports the discovery of a new comet, discovered by Hideo Nishimuara, Yuto Japan, on three 15 sec. images taken on July 21st. with a Canon EOS 6D and 200mm f/3.2 lens. The comet shows a 2.5' coma with central condensation and was near comet 8P/Tuttle. This is his second comet discovery. The first was comet C/1994 N1Nakamura-Nishimura-Machholz.

Story from the discoverer. Translation by Shigeki Murakami, discoverer of 2 comets.

On the discovery of C/2021 O1 Nishimura

Hideo Nishimura

Translated by Shigeki Murakami

1. Discoverer

Hideo Nishimura, age 72

Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan

2. Site and date

Date and time of shooting: 2021 07 21.78306 (UT), 2021 07 22 3:47 (JST) (1), Exposure time 15 seconds

Observing site: Tea plantation: Gomyo, Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan

3. Materials

Camera: CANON EOS 6D, 200mm f/3.2 Telephoto lens
Equatorial mount: Takahashi EM200

4. Summary of the discovery

I have completed a nova hunting session, which is my major target of searching, and I still had an extra time. Then, I conducted a comet hunting session in the northeastern sky, and I was lucky enough to shoot a green glowing comet. I checked the position and I wondered if it was an outburst of 8P Tuttle. However, I found the position was different from that of 8P by some 2°, and reported as it a possible new comet.

5. Discovery course

I concentrated on the visual searching of comet until around 2000, and was able to meet a new comet (2). After that I have come to interest in a nova hunting, and I kept searching spending 90% of my activity for nova hunting and 10% for comet.

It was cloudy at dusk on the day before the discovery, and could not take photos for nova hunting in the Milky Way Galaxy. So, on the day I got up at 1:30a.m. local time and headed for the tea plantation where a quarter-hour of drive from my residence. Most part of the summer Milky Way was in the western sky, and I started shooting the Milky Way at 2:08a.m. up to around the constellation of Cassiopeia.

As there was enough time until the start of the twilight, I began to take photos to search for a comet from the southeastern sky, and put the northeast on the backburner where I photographed the day before at predawn.

At the low altitude the sky grew brighter when the shooting area got close to the northeastern sky, and I hurried to take photos with shorter exposure time. Eventually, I finished the hunting session at 4a.m. leaving some planned area to be searched.

I got home and tried to detect objects that are not in the past images using my PC, among which I checked if there was any new object. I noticed a non-stellar object seemingly having some apparent diameter just before the end of the checking work. I thought that I identified a known comet again, and I confirmed using MP checker but no comet was detected.

To make sure what it was I adjusted the brightness of the image using Photoshop Elements and the green star appeared that is typical for a comet.

I emailed Syuichi Nakano, an Associate of the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams and the Minor Planet Center, in Sumoto, Japan, that reported the object is a new comet without doubt. I calmed down and I confirmed if there were any known comets around the position. I found that 8P Tuttle being brightening was near the possible new comet. Immediately, I told Nakano the fact and he said the predicted position of 8P was different from that of the object of interest by some 2°. I remeasured the position of the possible new comet.

Nakano reported the position to IAU and the new comet had been confirmed.

I think back to the situation with a cool head, and I found I was pretty lucky. If I had taken the photo a little bit earlier, the comet would not have been photographed due to the low altitude from the horizon, i.e., the unadjusted image looked like an overexposure photo taken in the daytime. Conversely, if I had shotten a little later, it would have been disappeared in the twilight.

Note of translator

(1) The beginning of the twilight on the day was 3:09a.m. JST (local time). That meant Nishimura took the photo 38 minutes after the start of the twilight.

(2) Nishimura discovered his first comet in 1994: C/1994 N1 Nakamura-Nishimura-Machholz.

Discovery images. One color, one black/white. The black lines are the power lines in the background of the discoverer. See the image below.

Discovery image b/wDiscovery image

NishimuraNishimura Instruments

Discoverer with his instrument. Copyright Hideo Nishimura

A first image taken by Michael Jäger

Carolyn S. Shoemaker (1929 - 2021)

On August 13th., Carolyn S. Shoemaker passed away at the age of 92. She discovered 32 comets and is second on the list of all comet discoverers.


Carolyn Shoemaker: Advice for young women and men who might be interested in astronomy.

CometWatch March 2021 Special with David Levy & Carolyn Shoemaker

Astropedia from 2002: as PDF


Remembering Carolyn Shoemaker, by David Levy as PDF

left: Working at the 18" Schmidt-Telescope on Mt. Palomar, right: 2016

Georges Attard and Alain Maury - C/2021 U3 (Attard-Maury)

CBET 5064 issued on 2021, Nov. 02, announces the discovery of a new comet (magnitude ~19.0) on CCD images taken by G. Attard and A. Maury on Octl. 24th. with a 40 cm reflector at San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. The new comet has been designated C/2021 U3 (Attard-Maury). This is the second comet discovery from this team.


Discovery image, Copyright A. Maury, G. Attard, D. Parrott

Animation C/2021 U3

Animation C/2021 U3

Alain Maury and Georges Attard - C/2021 X1 (Maury-Attard)


MPEC 2022 J33 and CBET 5119 issued on 2022, May 05th. announces the discovery of a new comet (magnitude ~19.5) on CCD images taken by G. Attard and A. Maury on Dec. 2nd. with a 0.28-m f/2.2 RASA Astrograph in the course of the "Maury, Attard, Parrot" (MAP) survey project. Unfortunately only 2 names are allowed. Daniel Parrott is the developer of the software Tycho-Tracker without many of the discoveries were not be possible. This is the third comet discovery from this team.

Discovery image C/2021 X1

Discovery images, Copyright A. Maury, G. Attard and D. Parrott

Alain MauryGeorges AttardDaniel Parrott

The MAP (Alain Maury, Georges Attard, Daniel Parrott) team.

Eric W. Elst (1936 - 2022)

Eric W. Elst

Eric W. Elst,

From the MPML (Minor Planet Mailing List)

Eric W. Elst (1936 - 2022) started working at the Royal Observatory of Belgium in 1968 en was active until 2001 (pension). First he did photometry, but around 1985 turned his attention to asteroids. He traveled many times to observatories abroad for his observing campaigns, especially La Silla where he discovered the majority of his objects. Overall he discovered 3 760 objects, of which 108 with others. The most famous one is 133P/(7968) Elst-Pizarro.
More can be found here: (English) (French) (Dutch)

Archived PDF

Hello all,

these are sad news. I met Eric several times in the last 2 decades of the last century when he was observing minor planets with the 1m-telescope at Hoher List observatory (017). At that time I was a younger amateur astronomer who was also guest visiting Hoher List for doing comet photography with the Askania Schmidt camera or with our own small telescopes which were housed in a small movable hut we built there. That was at times when we still used hypered Technical Pan film.
Eric already used CCD cameras and invited me to join him in the control room of the 1m-telescope. These were fruitful nights of discussion and I can say that it was him who arouse my interest in astrometry and minor planets.
I will never forget him.

Kind regards
Bernd Klemt, b. Brinkmann

Hello to all,

Eric Elst from 1986 to 2002, discovered thousands of asteroids of which 3,760 of them were definitively numbered, not to mention 108 other small planets co-discovered with others astronomers. I have kept up to date his list of 3868 definitively referenced asteroids from 2002 to this day. The last asteroid assigned to him was the West Trojan (483400) 1997 LY13. He also was honored on the asteroid (3936) Elst discovered by the Van Houten couple, other great discoverers of asteroids.

Eric was also a great musician and a philosopher attracted by the writings of the enlightenment, writings he distilled in his review "Le petit cuistre". Like others, I had met Eric for the first time in 2002 during the MACE
(Meeting on Asteroids and Comets in Europe) meetings organized by Korado Korlevic from 2002 to 2010. We had sympathized and we had been together many times during the past 20 years.

Gerard Faure

Hello all
I would like to inform you that the most prolific individual minor planet discoverer died, aged 85.
Eric W. Elst (1936 - 2022) started working at the Royal Observatory of Belgium in 1968…

     I was pleased to have met Elst at the 1991 ACM meeting in Flagstaff, who I knew not only as an asteroids/comet person, but perhaps mainly as a kindred spirit amongst us folks who do a lot of telescopic observing.  His extensive work on short-period pulsating variables, not mentioned in the obit, was a significant part of his early career.

Brian Skiff

Picture of the comet (7968) Elst-Pizarro taken from the La Silla Observatory, Chili, in August 1996.

Alain Maury and Georges Attard - C/2022 J1 (Maury-Attard)

CBET 5121 issued on May 11th. reports the discovery of a new comet, discovered by Alain Maury, Georges Attard and Daniel Parrott on images taken on May 5th. with a 0.28-m f/2.2 RASA Astrograph.

This is the forth comet discovery from this team.

C/2022 J1
Discovery image, Copyright A. Maury, G. Attard and D. Parrott

Animation C/2022 J1


Discovery telescopes, Copyright A Maury

Georges Attard and Alain Maury - C/2022 N1 (Attard-Maury)

CBET 5147 reports the discovery of a comet in survey images taken on Jul. 2 UT by MAP (W94), noting a condensed 5".2 coma. Prediscovery positions were reported by Pan-STARRS 2 from end of June 2022.

This is the fifth comet discovery from this team


Copyright Roland Fichtl.

Donald Edward Machholz (1952 - 2022)

Donald Edward Machholz, discoverer of 12 comets all visual through a telescope, died on August 9th. due to complications with COVID 19 at the age of 69. He also co-invented the Messier Marathon.
Lots of interesting discovery stories can be found on this website

Discovery stories on this site:
Comet Machholz 1978l
Comet Machholz 1985e
Comet Machholz 1986e
Comet Machholz 1988j
Comet Tanaka-Machholz 1992d
Comet Machholz 1992k
Comet Nakamura-Nishimura-Machholz 1994m
Comet Machhoz 141P
Comet Machholz 1994r
Comet Machholz 2004 Q2
Comet Machhoz 2010 F4
Comet Machholz-Fujikawa-Iwamoto 2018V1

Don Machholz


(Comet News Service, archived PDF)

Remembering Don Machholz by Sky & Telescope


So very sad news . . . I successfully observed all 12 of his comets visually -- including multiple returns of his two periodic comets -- and had the pleasure of confirming or co-confirming four of those discoveries. I last saw him at the final RTMC gathering four years ago.

His Comet 96P/Machholz 1 has recently been imaged en route to its next perihelion passage next January. The viewing geometry is rather poor, but it may be visually detectable in the northern hemisphere's morning sky after perihelion.


I first met Don in early 1981, when I was still in the Navy, and the ship I was stationed on paid a port visit to San Francisco. I rented a car, drove down to San Jose, looked his number up in the phone book, called him up and introduced myself — and he invited me to join his then-wife Laura and himself for dinner. He had discovered his first comet (N/S C/1978 R3, O/S 1978l), which I had managed to observe once, a little over a couple of years earlier. We have remained friends ever since, and I was happy to confirm his discoveries when the occasions arose. I’m very glad I had the opportunity to see him again at RTMC four years ago (thanks, Charles!)


I first met Don when he came to New Zealand in 1986 to observe Halley's Comet. 
In 1991 a group of us travelled through the Southwestern USA on our way to the Total Solar Eclipse in Baja California,  and stayed briefly with Don and his then wife Laura.
He was probably the most passionate Comet observer I have ever met and a thoroughly likeable friend. A very sad loss. 
Rodney Austin


these are sad news, indeed.

I was lucky to meet Don at the IWCA II in Cambridge in 1999 after I had exchanged a few letters back in 1989 when I intended to start comet hunting (I was 19 then and living in a country named GDR).

Don was extraordinary as a comet hunter and as a human being. I will always remember him as friendly, open-minded and humble. Don, you went much too early!

I have attached one of the letters he sent to me in 1989. I am sure he wouldn't mind.

Send us some comets, Don!


Don's sudden passing, from COVID, came too soon.  Over 1977-1986 he was a generous contributor to Comet News Service.  In the attachment, see his accounts of telescopic meteors (CNS Issue 77-1), his first comet discovery (78-6), a prescient but premature lament for visual comet discoverers (83-4), a statistical analysis of comet discoveries by amateurs (85-2), his second comet discovery (85-2), and his homemade giant binoculars which netted that second comet (86-1).  Enjoy, celebrate Don.

I was privileged to shiver through a comet-hunting session with Don at his site atop windy Loma Prieta outside San Jose, California.  No more dogged and disciplined amateur astronomer have I met.

Per aspera ad cometas, Don.  Salute.


Joseph N. Marcus
(Editor, Comet News Service, 1975-1986)
St. Louis, MO, USA

Dear friends of the comet ml list: I want to express my condolences to family and friends on the passing of Don Machholz. I would have to review my astrometric observations between the years 1998 and 2019 and see if I ever recorded in the OALM 844 some of the comets of this tremendous observer who recently started his "journey to the stars in a bright comet". I'm sure if.

What I can say is that when I was young I saw many times the photographs of Don's comets and they were very inspiring in my amateur observational career, as a teacher and as a technical observer in Los Molinos.
I feel that astronomers are a family that have the same diversified objective: observation, dissemination and teaching of this wonderful science of the stars and the cosmos as a whole. I wanted to express these feelings and say "thank you" to Don.
Respectful greetings to all
Raúl Salvo
Profesor de Astronomía
Director OAM (UAI: X50)

Jost Jahn - C/2023 C1 (Jahn)

CBET 5236 reports the discovery of a new comet by Jost Jahn. The comet was discovered on CCD images taken with the 60-cm ROTAT telescope of the Universitaet Tuebingen located at the Observatoire de Haute Provence. This is his first comet discovery.

2023C1Jost Jahn

Hideo NishimuraC/2023P1 (Nishimura)

CBET 5285 issued on Augst 15th. reports the discovery of a new comet, discovered by Hideo Nishimuara, Yuto Japan, on three 30 sec. images taken on August 12th. with a Canon EOS 6D and 200mm f/3 lens. This is his third comet discovery. The first was comet C/1994 N1Nakamura-Nishimura-Machholz.

Left: Discoverer, Right: Discoveryimage
Copyright: Hideo Nishimura

Gennadii Borisov - C/2023 T2 (Borisov)

CBET 5304  issued on 2023, October 21, announces the discovery of a new comet Borisov on CCD images taken on October 14th. This is his 12th. comet.

Comment from the discoverer:

The comet was detected on the Northern sky in the constellation of Cepheus (my favorite constellation). A new star like object  (magnitude-19.5) it was discovered on the series of CCD frames taken on October  14.69480 UT with My new HOMEMADE Telescope: (D=0.5 m, F/1.9, Camera: ASI ZWO461, FOW: 160'x120',  exp:  60 sec).
The information was sent to the MPC as a new NEO gb00642. In a few hours, the stacked images show the cometary shape and the object was moved to PCCP.


Animation 2023T22023T2
Sum: 12x60 sec.
Telescope used for discovery
Telescope used for this discovery:  D=500 mm, F/1.9, FOW 160'x120'

Copyright Gennadii Borisov


Jordi Camarasa and Grzegorz Duszanowicz - C/2023 V4 (Camarasa-Duszanowicz)

CBET 5315  issued on 2023, November 11, announces the discovery of a new comet discovered by Jordi Camarasa and Grzegorz Duszanowicz. This is their 1st comet.

From the discoverer:

The story of finding xkos369 - later comet C/2023 V4

From Moonbase South Observatory L87 - Grzegorz private facility located in Namibia -

a project called: "Moonbase South Observatory - Comet and Neo Searching Project" (MSO-CaNeSP) was lauched in June 2022. This project first used one, and from Sept. 2023 two telescopes with a 0.28 m main mirror (Celestron C11 - SCT) in a configuration with a Starizona Hyperstar f/1.9 and a full frame CMOS cameras with a Sony IMX455 sensor from ZWO, model ASI 6200MM-P.

A few hours before the session of MSO-CaNeSP started on Nov. 4th. Jordi prepared part of the observing plan for the scopes we use for this project. Grzegorz prepared the observatory for work and launched observation plans for both C11 scopes, also adding some new fields to search for comets in the vicinity of the Milky Way in accordance with the general plan. The data from both scopes was constantly downloaded to a computer in Sweden. This PC analyzes the data looking for potential new moving objects. Jordi usually check the obtained data processed by the Tycho program installed on it and does measurements and reports observations as well new objects, mostly NEOs to the MPC.  In the early morning on Nov 5,  the material from one of the scopes that was processed  by the Tycho program. Searching area marked as "Field-A15" showed an unknown slowly moving object that looked more like a little comet with a short tail...

Jordi did astrometrical measurements and sent the MPC report as new NEO Candidate and contacted Grzegorz. Very soon together they came to the conclusion that they were dealing with a comet because of its cometary appearance and soon sent the cometary activity report as well. Next night we could take additional pictures of this object with C14 scope also from L87. Those images showed very clear the coma and short tail.

Discovery image 2023V4Discovery image 2023V4
Discovery images
Confirmation image 2023V4Confirmation image 2023V4
Confirmation images

Grzegorz Jordi
Grzegorz Duszanowicz                                                                                        Jordi Camarasa

Moonbase Observatory

Copyright Grzegorz Duszanowicz and Jordi Camarasa

Luboš Kohoutek (1935 - 2023)

Comet discoverer Luboš Kohoutek passed away on December 30th. 2023 at the age of 88 in Bergedorf, Germany. He discovered 5 comets and 75 asteroids.

After leaving the former Czechoslovakia he worked at the Bergedorf Observatory in Hamburg where he discovered C/1973 E1 Kohoutek.

Lubos Kohoutek

C/1973 E1 Kohoutek
C/1973 E1
This color photograph of the comet Kohoutek (C/1973 E1) was taken by members of the lunar and planetary laboratory photographic team from the University of Arizona, at the Catalina observatory with a 35mm camera on January 11, 1974.

CBET 5401  issued on 2024, June 1st, announced the discovery of a new comet discovered by the Observatory of Mt.Nanshan (China) and Robson Hahn. This is his 1st. comet discovery.

From the discoverer:

Although I am Brazilian and live in Germany, my equipment is currently located in Spain (MPC code Y89). I got interested in Comet and asteroid hunting many years ago, but just in April 2023 I finally could start searching, when I installed my equipment in a fixed location with relatively good weather. The comet appeared in the first section of the night on 10/04. I set the imaging planning as routine and noticed that the first imaging area would coincide with M1, so I decided to frame it and start from there. I programmed it to take 30x120s images for each field and when analyzing the results, there was a "diffuse" object near to the right corner, that I thought was just a reflection since I am using a C14+Hyperstar. Its NEO rating was low and since its speed was not high, I decided to wait a second night to confirm if it was a real object. During the second night, the NEO rating was showing something near 75 and still a hint of nebulosity, which I "blamed" it to the low altitude. I decided to report it to MPC as NEO candidate and Cristovao Jacques also tried to register it. During our conversation he was suspecting it could be a JFC based on the latest orbit calculated. I did a 3rd image section and an attempt to confirm possible coma and/or tail, but it was too close to some stars and the nebulosity could be just bad atmosphere/seeing. My plan was to image it with very long expositions at the 4th night, while tracking the object in an attempt to verify our suspicions, but the weather was bad and it was just identified as a Mars Crosser, so it was forgotten for a while. Last week (29/05/2024) I heard the possibility of this object be a comet and decided to image it again. For my surprise, it now has a coma and a faint tail. It was when I found out that multiple observers has registered a coma/tail in their images. I did a last image section on 02/06/2024, before it was too low in the horizon. It still has a diffuse coma and bit of tail.

                                                                                                    Robson Henrique dos Santos Hahn                                Telescope used for the discovery

Discovery image

All images copyright Robson Hahn


Edgar Wilson Award

  Professional Surveys

Image: LINEAR Program

Siding Spring: Robert McNaught (left) and Gordon Garradd (right) in front of the Uppsala dome and its office (right) in 2003.